Tagged: EmailTweetor

EmailTweetor for Linux/Mac/Windows v2020.04.14 adds tweets archiving ability

Also available: A shell script to mass-delete tweets.

Subhash TweetsToRSS can also has the ability to archive tweets but I wanted the ability to use the archive in a shell script.

java -jar emailtweetor.jar dump TwitterUserName [last_status_id]

When used without the last_status_id, EmailTweetor will try to list upto 3200 of the latest tweets from the user. This limit, they say, is for 15 minutes. Upto 1 lakh tweets can be requested in 24 hours. If you specify the ID of the 3200th tweet after 15 minutes, you may be able to proceed further.

The list has three columns – URL, text content and date.

java -jar emailtweetor.jar dump realDonaldTrump > tweets-archive.txt
tail -n +2 tweets-archive.txt | \
  awk 'BEGIN { FS="⁑"; RS="¶"; ORS="" } { print $1 }' \
  > tweets-urls.txt

This command eliminates the first line of the output and prints only the first column containing the tweet URLs.

This URL list can be given to EmailTweetor so that each tweet can be deleted.

cat tweets-urls.txt | read -p sTweet
  java -jar emailtweetor.jar delete $sTweet

I did not create the ability do this within EmailTweetor to prevent accidental destruction of tweets. This way of deleting tweets is much simpler than the obsolescence-prone GreaseMonkey Twitter Deletor.

Archive in spreadsheet

When you paste the output in Calc (LibreOffice), the field separator option should be set to ⁑. The text delimiter should be set to ⁗.


BASH script to block Twitter followers, en masse

Without even looking at their names

In a previous update of EmailTweetor, I added the ability block/unblock, follow/unfollow and mute/unmute other Twitter accounts from the command-line (in Linux/Mac/Windows, not Android).

I do not follow anyone on Twitter and I do not want anyone following me. (I use Tweets for their temporary presence online, as a historical record. I delete all my tweets afterwords after I take a backup with TwitterToRSS.) When TwitterToRSS shows me that somebody is following me, I need to manually type their names to block them. Today, I created a Linux BASH script to automate the process of blocking them – en masse.

ETR="java -jar ./EmailTweetor.jar "

cd $DDIR
if [ -f "$LISTFIL" ]; then
  sTimeStamp=`date +%G-%m-%g-%I-%M-%S`
  mv $LISTFIL $LISTFIL.$sTimeStamp.bak

$ETR trolls > $LISTFIL
#LISTFIL="test.txt" #Comment this

iLines=`wc -l $LISTFIL | awk '{ print $1 }'`

#echo $iLines

if [ $iLines -gt 4 ]; then
  let iCatch=iLines-4
  tail -$iCatch $LISTFIL > follower-accounts.lst
  cat follower-accounts.lst | while read sLine
    #echo $sLine | awk '{ print $1 }'
    sAccount=`echo $sLine | awk '{ print $1 }'`
    $ETR block $sAccount >> $DDIR/blocked-twitter-followers.lst
  echo "Finished blocking all followers"
  echo "No followers"

The command java -jar EmailTweetor.jar trolls displays the owner account name, two blank lines, column headings, and two columns of follower accounts and account names. This script ignores the first four lines and the second column (containing the account names) and then proceeds to block the accounts in the first column.

How to block Twitter accounts suggestions

The simplest way to do this is to disable the HTML block containing these suggestions. (Right-click near the block, select Inspect element fro the context menu, find the ID or class names of the DIV elements, and mark them as “display: none!important” in the /home/$USERNAME/.mozilla/firefox/[your-profile-name]/chrome/user-Content.css.)

Another way is to manually block accounts that are repeatedly suggested. Twitter cannot suggest an account if you have blocked it. The coronavirus has given obscure bureaucrats some exposure.

How to block Twitter account suggestions

EmailTweetor v2020.01.21 for Linux/Mac/Windows can list trolls (followers) and follow, unfollow, mute, unmute, block and unblock Twitter accounts

I will add a direct message option when the ones that I am following start following me.

I have written another book – a book of cartoons. I wanted the book to be privately reviewed by some American commentators and had to manually log into Twitter to follow them. ‘Following’ is the only way to send a direct message with the download link.

I also found that some accounts following my account. The only way to block an account is to visit that person’s timeline and then click on block option. I hate to look at these people. (I block everyone on Twitter and I do not follow anyone.)

So, I updated EmailTweetor with new options – trolls, follow, unfollow, block, unblock, mute, and unmute.

EmailTweetor.jar -jar trolls #list 1000 followers
EmailTweetor.jar -jar block HillaryClinton #blocks the mad cow
EmailTweetor.jar -jar unblock realJamesWoods #unblocks the jailed


EmailTweetor v2019.03.04 for Android adds unlock password and Twitter timeline support

Support for replying, favoriting, retweeting, and deleting tweets in the timeline.

  • A permanent scrollbar (one that does not fade away) will be available in the main screen. This feature is supported in Android versions 2 and newer.
  • A menu option to retrieve the “timeline” (tweets by you and others you follow) has been added.
  • Earlier, there was a context menu option to delete from the “Latest Tweets” section. Now, you can also reply, retweet and favorite on those tweets.
  • The text size of the Twitter message editing box has been increased.
  • A lock password will be required to use EmailTweetor. It is not an extremely secure password system. It can protect the Twitter client in case you hand over your phone to somebody else for just a few minutes.

    Unlock password for EmailTweetor

    Unlock password protects your Twitter client from misuse.

JAR executable (Linux/Mac/Windows) and APK installer (for Android) available at:

EmailTweetor v2019.02.20 for Android builds a list of tweets it creates

This feature should have been there from the beginning.

Earlier, the app used to copy the tweet URL to the email body. In this version, EmailTweetor will build a list at the bottom of the screen with the Twitter messages it creates. Each tweet in the list will have a context menu with which, you can copy the text or the URL. An option to delete/un-retweet/de-favourite the tweet is also available.


Tweets, retweets and favorites are differently colored for easy identification.

EmailTweetor (for Desktop) – the command-line Twitter client released for Linux, Mac and Windows

Like the Android version, it can tweet, reply, delete, favorite and retweet but it cannot alas email.

This terminal-based Twitter client can be operated interactively or automated using command-line parameters. To prevent your bash history from getting cluttered with unsightly tweets, you cannot specify the message in the command line. However, you can do pipe redirection or use a text file. The Twitter client is extremely powerful so I have not documented all of its features in the help.

EmailTweetor was made with Oracle Java version 1.8.0_101. So, ensure that your JVM (Oracle or OpenJDK) is newer or equivalent.

EmailTweetor lets you tweet from the command line.


EmailTweetor v2018.04.24 for Android adds Erase button


  • An erase icon has been added to the Twitter text box.
  • Added website icon to title bar. Earlier, it had a back button that crashed the whole thing.
  • The reply icon does not float.
  • The Twitter text counter has been moved up.

    EmailTweetor v2018.03.04 for Android adds icon to delete tweets by URL


    The fire extinguisher icon does it. The text of the deleted message will be echoed on the screen on last time. It will also be copied to the email for whatever reason you might need it.
