ISRO Weather Satellite Image for Indian Cloud Cover and Rain Forecast

Images are delayed by one hour.

I wish ISRO officials went back to using Frontpage or Word to create their websites. Just when I thought I had a good bookmark for the cloud cover picture taken by our mighty weather satellites, they go ahead and drop a ton of Javascript junk on the site to create a few lightweight special effects.

Here is the code for a bookmarklet that hopefully will work for some time. Save this code in a text file with the extension “.html” or “.htm”. Then, open this HTML file in a browser and bookmark the displayed link. Now, when you click the bookmark, the latest weather picture will be displayed. After you create the bookmark, you do not need the HTML file. You can delete it.

<a href="javascript:(function() {
try {
  var dtNow = new Date();
  var iYear = dtNow.getUTCFullYear();
  var iMonth = dtNow.getUTCMonth();
  var iDay = dtNow.getUTCDate();
  var iMinute = dtNow.getUTCMinutes();
  var iHour = dtNow.getUTCHours();
  /*window.alert(iHour + ' ' + iMinute);*/
  if (iHour < 1) {
    iHour = 23;
  } else {
  var TIME = (iHour > 9)?(iHour+'00'):('0'+iHour+'00');
  if (iMinute > 30) {
    TIME = (iHour > 9)?(iHour+'30'):('0'+iHour+'30');
  /*window.alert(iDay + ' ' + TIME);*/
  var arMonths = [ 'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT','NOV','DEC' ];
  if (iDay < 10) {
    sUrl = '' + iYear + '/0' + iDay + arMonths[iMonth] + '/3DIMG_0' + iDay + arMonths[iMonth] + iYear + '_' + TIME + '_L1C_ASIA_MER_BIMG.jpg';
  } else {
    sUrl = '' + iYear + '/' + iDay + arMonths[iMonth] + '/3DIMG_' + iDay + arMonths[iMonth] + iYear + '_' + TIME + '_L1C_ASIA_MER_BIMG.jpg';
  location.href = sUrl;

} catch (e) { window.alert('Bookmarklet error: ' + e); }
})()">ISRO Weather Satellite Picture</a>

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